You will benefit from the geographic and jurisdictional diversification of being booked in Switzerland, in foreign securities and currencies.
Discretionary programs |
Advisory programs |
Investment process |
Relocation services |

1. Managed solutions mandates
After agreeing together on your overall strategy and expectations, you can confidently delegate the day-to-day management of your assets to us. Our managed solutions offering includes a wide choice of basic asset allocation models as a starting point for your portfolio. By delegating the analysis and decision making to us, you can relax and enjoy peace of mind, thanks to these benefits:
- With our help, you choose a strategy that best matches your stated investment goals and risk appetite
- You gain easy access to the world’s major financial markets and to global economies with high growth potential
- Your money is managed in line with our disciplined investment process, with seasoned investment managers continuously monitoring and re-balancing your portfolio, managing risk and return
- Diversifying your investments across assets, currencies, countries, and fund managers is an accepted way to spread and reduce investment risk
- We have a rigorous selection process for your investment in funds
2. Investment advisory mandates
Here, you make your own investment decisions, calling upon support from Vontobel experts when you need it.
With expertise and advice at your beck and call, you benefit in several ways:
- When desired, you receive personal assistance from an experienced member of our Investment Advisory team to help you make sound investment decisions
- You have access to a wide range of financial products and Securities Exchange Commission (SEC)-registered investment funds, all selected and vetted by our experts
- You are comfortable in the knowledge that the Investment Advisory team will continuously monitor your portfolio
- You receive semi-annual reviews to check the risks in your portfolio and ensure they are in line with your preferences – along with various other measures we take, in discussion with you, to manage and reduce your risks
- You also receive regular commentary from our experts on the latest market developments

3. Investment process
The strength of a program approach lies in a structured investment process.
Our process combines a top-down asset allocation with bottom-up security selection, and is designed to achieve above-average, sustainable, long-term performance, with acceptable levels of risk.
Our managed solutions and investment advisory teams are staffed with more than a dozen highly experiences, full-time financial professionals, whose job is to design our high-quality, well-diversified portfolios.
The investment process is overseen by an Investment Committee made up of professionals with extensive investment experience. This committee includes the CEO of Vontobel Swiss Financial Advisers as well as its Chief Investment Officer.
Together, these experts define the strategic and tactical asset allocation for each of our different programs.
Then, working with our extensive network of international financial analysts, they identify and select the individual securities that best reflect the current tactical allocation, always with an eye to the specific needs of US investors. These securities are then communicated to you and your adviser as potential choices to form the basis of your own, customized portfolio.
4. Relocating
Expats are often on the move, needing investment solutions that fit their specific requirements and international experience. As an expat working with Vontobel Swiss Financial Advisers, you can continue investing in preferred currencies and securities. Thanks to our expertise, you receive the advice you need to achieve the right balance of geography, market, asset class, currency, and issuer diversification.

Contact us
USA (Toll free) +1 855 853 4288
CH (Toll free): 0800 550 377
Switzerland: +41 58 283 81 11
Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. CET